
What remains after the pressing into or pushing against something.
— noun I im·pact I im-ˈpakt

BJST does not only seek to conduct activities. While activities are important, the desired outcome is to achieve a Just state of affairs. “Impact” is what remains and is the scale by which we measure our invested effort and resources.


The Opportunity

We live in a beautiful world. However, there are a lot of dark situations and dark conditions being lived in. BJST is an opportunity to address the injustice that Hurts Your Heart and in doing so, Impact the lives of people and animals who are suffering.

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The Potential

Living in purpose is undoubtedly one of, if not the most fulfilling of life’s paths. Sadly, few people experience such a life. “It is at the intersection of your pain and your strength is where you’ll find purpose.” Let’s explore your pain and strengths and our potential as a team!

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What we’ve been doing

Beginnings and Foundations

We have been working hard to establish a firm foundation of principles, operations and culture for the organization to be forever effective in a fast changing social, economic and political world; building the organization to last, from the inside-out.

Don’t Wait

Early on the team was convinced that the injustice, the opportunity and the potential were too great and too important to wait for every organizational formality to be fulfilled before addressing things that Hurt Our Heart.

Just six months after the team’s very first meeting and before the organization had everything else “figured out”; we organized and conducted our first public and organized demonstration of Doing Justice. Impacted, validated and empowered, the team committed to organizing to Do Justice monthly while we built the organization’s insides. We’ve kept that commitment and are developing meaningful relationships with the people we were led to first. These relationships are impacting the team and the people and are setting the stage for a new state of affairs in lives and environments.

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Human Trafficking and Exploitation

BJST has partnered with a local human trafficking group to restore people abused by this evil. By providing employment opportunities, facilities support, awareness, and resources, BJST is increasing the Impact of an already amazing and effective team whose heart hurts for those victims of this great injustice. If you want to be a part of this impactful effort, there is room for you! Get a hold of us and let’s do it!


What we want to do


Activate, the event is all about activating people towards justice and impact. With limited space, only people who want to have impact are invited. The 2020 event will be formally announced as we get closer and have more specifics. Get updates here to ensure you get first access. Additionally, participating in the event as a volunteer is a great way to get to know to the BJST team and partners and to learn how you can be part of this very special organization and its impact by doing justice.

Children Without

BJST’s heart hurts for Children Without. Children Without are those children who’s rights to a two parent home and the provision of basic needs have been violated. As a result, these children’s minds, spirits and hearts aren’t developing to their potential. We want to partner with a Kingdom based group to bear the burdens of these children and to address this injustice. If you are interested in partnering financially or as a group, please contact us.

Animal Welfare

BJST’s heart hurts for the abuse and inhumanity animals experience at the hands of humans. As a creation of God, one that He called “good”, animals are possibly the most unjustly treated creation of all. We fail to experience the goodness in them and the benefits of harmonious living when we misinterpret our “rule over” them as the right to abuse them. We are partnering with 2 groups in this space to prevent, treat and restore animals from injustice. Selected groups will benefit from working with BJST resource-wise and in impactfullness. Contact us to learn more.

Team Build

We are seeking a part time admin manager in 2019. Please see the Contribute Financially section to learn more about how you can help.


Our Causes